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Thanks for visiting us and have a lovely shopping. smiley-cool.gif


bagifi bags and backpacks
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In your Account section, you can manage details and your orders, create a wishlist, and you're free to compare our products. To do these, you only need to log in or register via choosing the "my account" icon on the main page or during shopping and checkout, or the link in the footer. Easy-peasy.

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Easily! What you need to do is just tapping on the graph icon "Add to compare" when hovering over a product's image. You can add three products by your choice then tap on "View list compare" to see the result. You can do the same on any products pages either.How to compare
We've added this excellent feature to you just in case you'll need remembering on the next bags you'd buy. You can send it for yourself as an email, and even better, to your family or friends they might surprise you with one lovely present. Well, we're sure they will.Whishlist
Sure you can, indeed! Tap on the quick login and use your Facebook, Twitter or Google account to log in or register to the site. So simple.Quick login
bagifi bags and backpacks
Start With the Basics

Everything about your Bags and Backpacks

Most of our gears are moderately waterproof, water-resistant or water-repellent either. Honestly, it depends on the design, because we designed different parts of the bag from different materials.

But we are sure you can find the best choice fit to purpose, and we are more than happy to help and advise you. Our already strong and rapidly growing community has gained a lot of valuable experience by now. Based on this, we got the expertise to assist you in making the most suitable decision.

It's too simple to say that they "really" are. But that's the case! Some of our backpacks have been out on a mission for eight to nine years! And they've never let their users down in any situation, regardless of the purpose why people bought or used them.


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